The planning application process

The best way to create a planning application that is likely to be approved is to work with a professional planning consultant.

The type of evidence and plans you need to submit will depend on your project type, they can include:

Document typeWhen you need itGuidanceWhere to get it
Site planAll application typesShows exact location of the proposed site, clearly outlined in red and drawn to a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500. Any land owned by the applicant next to or close by the site outlined in blue.Buy a planning map
Block planExtensions, boundary walls and fences, outbuildings and garagesA more detailed site plan, showing the relationship of the proposed site to neighbouring properties, drawn to a scale of 1:500.Work with a planning consultant
Floor planExtensions, outbuildings and garagesScale diagram of the current and proposed arrangement of rooms for each floor of a building.Work with a planning consultant
Elevation planExtensions, new or replacement windows and doors, boundary walls and fences, outbuildings and garagesShows existing and proposed elevations, drawn to a scale of 1:100.Work with a planning consultant

If you're creating an application yourself then you will need to check our local policies and design guidance to improve your chance of making a successful application.

These will affect whether you need planning permission, your design considerations, and what plans you need to submit.