, All In One Place
From student assessment to ongoing learning, professors have a lot to juggle in their day-to-day. With Bongo’s video-based training and assessment platform, instructors of all types can teach, track, and validate learning in one place—with an easy-to-use system that keeps them focused on their students.
, All In One Place
From student assessment to ongoing learning, professors have a lot to juggle in their day-to-day. With Bongo’s video-based training and assessment platform, instructors of all types can teach, track, and validate learning in one place—with an easy-to-use system that keeps them focused on their students.
From American history to calculus, different students need different things. Fortunately, you don’t have to switch up your technology as students learn and grow—with Bongo, you can customize lessons and personalize feedback for every student, everywhere.
If there’s one thing teachers need, it’s more time. Fortunately, Bongo includes Auto Analysis™ technology, meaning that teachers can spend less time grading and assessing skills and more time focusing on growing their students.
With four assessment types, a video-based platform, and automated analysis, Bongo can help identify challenges that each student is having, providing personalized feedback that helps them learn and retain information for the long term.
Students who have a personal connection with their instructor learn better, but some platforms ignore that personal touch that makes each student feel connected. With Bongo automation and assessments, you can keep that personal touch—and make it stronger with fast turnarounds and engaging video assignments.
Students and instructors today are inundated with technology—a lot of which are single-use platforms that require a larger stack to keep students learning, engaged and accounted for. Bongo, on the other hand, provides a full, easy-to-use platform that keeps students engaged, reduces admin time for teachers, and increases learning retention—all in one place.