Application and assessment information

Find important information on Brisbane City Council's application and assessment process for plumbing and drainage work.

New dwelling or ancillary building

This category includes permit work that is for:

This category also applies when new plumbing and drainage is being installed in an existing class 10a building that does not currently contain any plumbing and drainage.

One application must be lodged for each class 1a dwelling house, or class 1a secondary dwelling, that is the subject of the proposed plumbing and drainage work. One new class 10a building can be included in an application with a new class 1a dwelling house or new class 1a secondary dwelling.

Applications for class 10a buildings that are not associated with a dwelling house or secondary dwelling (e.g. shed on school grounds, temporary site amenities) cannot be lodged under this application category.

When hardcopy plans are lodged for assessment, three full sets are required with the application.

Key information

Secondary dwellings

For plumbing assessment, Council deems a dwelling to be a secondary dwelling if it is not under the same roof as the primary dwelling. Connecting structures such as awnings, covered walk-ways, patios roofs and similar structures are not considered to be the same roof as the primary dwelling.

Scope of work

The application is to clearly indicate the scope of work proposed and for which a permit is being sought. The scope of works is indicated by:

The plumbing and drainage work carried out must not differ from the scope of works for which the permit was issued.

Assessment timeframe

Applications will be assessed within 10 business days unless further information is requested by Council. If an Information Request is issued to the applicant, the assessment timeframe pauses and does not resume until a final response is received by Council.

Applications are assessed in order of receipt by Council.

Permit term

The permit is valid for up to four years from the date it is issued. An extension of the permit term may be requested by lodging a Form 2 and the required fee. An application to extend the term of the permit must be made at least 10 business days prior to the end of the term. If the permit expires before the final certificate is issued, a new application must be lodged and approved.

Inspection fees

The relevant inspection fee must accompany the application at lodgement.

Application requirements

The following is required at the time of lodgement:

Additionally, if the work involves On-site Sewage Facility (OSF) installation, include: