How to Write a Landlord Introduction Letter [With PDF]

landlord writing an introduction letter by hand

If you’ve purchased a rental that already has tenants living on the property, establishing contact with them should be a top priority. An easy way to do this is by sending a letter introducing you as the new landlord and communicating any changes you plan to implement to your tenants.

We outline how to create your own new landlord introduction letter template and offer a free PDF download.

Why Send a Landlord Introduction Letter?

There are several reasons why sending an introduction letter shouldn’t be neglected. For one, it’s an easy way to update your tenants about the property ownership transition and highlight what your expectations are as the new landlord. Your tenants will also know where and how to reach you if they have any questions or issues by sharing your contact details.

In addition to being an effective way of opening a communication channel, a new landlord introduction letter can establish rapport with your tenants immediately and help ease the challenges that often come with a change of ownership.

What to Include in a New Landlord Introduction Letter

When sending your letter, include specific details that are important to your tenants. Here’s a list of points to touch on:

1. Your Contact Information

Include your contact information, so your tenants know how to contact you via phone or email in case they have maintenance issues or rent-related concerns. Doing so can let your tenants know you’re available to help them when necessary. Feel free to specify your preferred contact method if one method works best for you.

2. Confirm the Lease Details

Once you take over the rental, your tenants will likely wonder if you’ll make any changes to their lease agreement. To address this, you can communicate any upcoming changes with dates on when they’ll be implemented so the proper expectations are set.

3. Changes to the Rent Collection Process

Ensure the tenants are aware of how you prefer to collect rent, whether with a standard payment platform or rent collection app like Avail. If you intend to change how rent payments are currently collected, consider sharing some positive points and advantages of your chosen method.

This can help make the transition smoother, especially if your tenants have grown used to the previous process. With Avail, tenants can schedule payments with Autopay, split costs with roommates, and report on-time rent payments with CreditBoost.

4. How to Submit Maintenance Requests

Property maintenance is integral to being a landlord, and maintenance requests can arise when least expected. To avoid any delay in resolving issues, you can detail how you’d like them to escalate maintenance requests within your landlord introduction letter.

If you handle repairs and maintenance tasks yourself, then consider including an estimated response time so your tenants are aware of how maintenance will be handled. If you have an independent contractor that you prefer to work with, you can name them in this letter so your tenants know who to expect for repairs.

5. When You’ll Perform an Inspection

In addition to noting how to submit maintenance requests, your introduction letter can be a great way to advise your tenants when you plan to inspect the property. Generally, landlords perform an inspection to see the current condition of the property to determine if any repairs need to be made.

Since tenants currently reside in the rental, you’ll need to let them know when you plan on performing an inspection. Some states also require landlords to notify tenants of the inspection by a specific timeframe, so refer to your local landlord-tenant laws to see if this applies to you.

6. State-Specific Legal Steps (If Applicable)

Depending on where you live, local ordinances may require you to complete certain steps once you’re the official owner of the rental property. In your letter, mention what those steps are (if applicable) so the tenants are aware of what needs to be completed to transition the lease agreement to you from the previous owner.

By identifying these necessary legal steps in your landlord introduction letter, you’ll give yourself and your tenants ample time to plan for whatever is required by local ordinances.

New Landlord Introduction Letter Sample

An introduction letter is your opportunity to make a shining first impression on your newly-acquired tenants. It should show that you’re friendly and approachable while establishing the guidelines and expectations you wish to set.

To give you an idea of how it can look, here’s a new landlord introduction letter template:

I would like to introduce myself as the [LANDLORD/PROPERTY MANAGER] of [ADDRESS]. It’s my pleasure to work with you to ensure a smooth ownership transition.

I have been made aware of the details of your lease and would like to assure you that all original lease terms will remain in effect for the duration of your contract. Your monthly rent of [RENT AMOUNT] will be due on the [RENT DUE DATE] of the month. However, please be prepared to send all rent payments via [PREFERRED COLLECTION METHOD] to [PREFERRED LOCATION] moving forward.

You may call or text me directly at [CONTACT PHONE NUMBER] for maintenance requests. Please allow [TIMEFRAME] for a response. For non-urgent needs, you can also reach out at [ADDITIONAL CONTACT INFO].

I would like to inspect the property and address any minor concerns that you may have. I will reach out within the next few days to coordinate a convenient time to complete this step. During this time, we can discuss any further questions that arise.

I look forward to managing this property and providing you with a safe and enjoyable living experience. If you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

What If You Want the Current Tenants to Move Out?

There may be instances where the current tenants want to stay, despite you wanting to end the existing lease. In those situations, it’s crucial to refer to your local landlord-tenant laws on this topic to determine what to do next. In some states, tenants may reserve the right to continue with the terms in fixed-term leases until the specified end date.

On the other hand, short-term leases like a month-to-month lease, typically have fewer protections. Still, it would be best if you give your tenants enough time to plan accordingly and communicate this in your introduction letter. If you want them to move out once the lease ends, you may need to provide them with a Non-Renewal Notice that informs them of when they need to move out.

Make Rental Property Management Easier With Avail

Whether you’re preparing to manage your very first property or a seasoned landlord looking to broaden your portfolio, Avail provides several resources to help you along the way. Advertise your rental, screen tenants, access lawyer-reviewed leases, manage rental property accounting, and more in one place.

Create an account today or log in to make managing your rental easier with Avail.