CT cerebral venography (protocol)


At the time the article was created Dalia Ibrahim had no recorded disclosures.

Last revised: 28 Jun 2024, Arlene Campos ◉ Disclosures:

At the time the article was last revised Arlene Campos had no financial relationships to ineligible companies to disclose.

Revisions: 16 times, by 10 contributors - see full revision history and disclosures Systems: Sections: Tags: Synonyms:

CT cerebral venography (also known as a CTV head or CT venogram) is a contrast-enhanced examination with an acquisition delay providing an accurate detailed depiction of the cerebral venous system.

NB: This article is intended to outline some general principles of protocol design. The specifics will vary depending on CT hardware and software, radiologists' and referrers' preference, institutional protocols, patient factors (e.g. allergy) and time constraints.

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A CT venogram is obtained in a number of clinical scenarios where anatomy and patency of the cerebral veins is required. It is an alternative to MR venography. Indications include the diagnosis of cerebral venous thrombosis and preoperative anatomy particularly for posterior fossa surgery where the sigmoid sinuses may be compressed (e.g. retrosigmoid craniotomies).


The purpose of this exam is to visualize the cerebral veins and venous sinuses filled with contrast opacified blood, allowing their anatomy and patency to be assessed.


IV iodinated contrast contraindications, such as chronic renal failure and allergy.
